Monday, May 25, 2015


Hello people!! How are you doing?? Two months ago I created this blog to share and help students and friends and it became a great way to practice!! First of all I'd like to thank you all for accessing and enjoying the blog!! Thank you all the countries for the possibility of sharing and enjoying the blog. I created it to help students and friends and became a nice and easy way to practice, study and share English doubts and ideas. I'm really happy with the results of this job and I'm happy because of you!! YOU participated and practiced English!! With over than 2000 views it became a personal success for me!! I'm really happy! I hope you guys enjoy and practice with this simple, easy, funny and great way to study the English Language. Thanks a lot and I'm working hard everyday to make it better for you!! Let's speak English!!

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."

Thanks and Let's speak and practice English!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Hello folks!! How have you been?? Let's practice and study about the Demonstrative Pronouns!! Let's speak English!! Hereee weee gooo!!

A demonstrative pronoun represents things or a thing:

  • near in distance or time (thisthese

  • far in distance or time (thatthose)

plural ☺☺☺

Let's check some examples:
  • This is my dog. (affirmative form)
  • This is not my dog. (negative form)
  • Is this my dog? (interrogative form)

  • These are my cats.(affirmative form)
  • These are not my cats.(negative form)
  • Are these my cats? (interrogative form)

  • That is  a beautiful house.
  • That is not a beautiful house. (negative form)
  • Is that a beautiful house? (interrogative form)

  • Those are my friends. (affirmative form)
  • Those are not my friends. (negative form)
  • Are those my friends? (interrogative form)

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!
Let's speak English!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Hello people!! How are you?? Let’s study and practice about Parts of the House!! Let’s speak English!! Hereeeeee weeee gooooo!!


ATTIC – A room used to store things;

DINING ROOM -  A room where people eat, have lunch, etc;

LIBRARY - A room where books are kept; 

OFFICE -  A room where people work;

 PANTRY -  A small room used to store kitchen and dining items;

 LIVING ROOM - A room where people sit, watch TV, etc;

BATHROOM – A room used to take a shower, brush teeth etc;

KITCHEN – A room used to cook and prepare meals;

BEDROOM – A room used to sleep;

GARDEN – A place where you plant flowers and trees;

BASEMENT – A room used to store things;

GARAGE – A place where you park your car;

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!
Let's speak English!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Hello people!! How are you doing?? Let's practice, study and share our English doubts and ideas about some French Words used in English!! Hereeee weeeee goooooo!!

RESUMÉ – a written summary of your education, work experience, and achievements; also known as a ‘curriculum vitae’ (CV);

BALLET – a classical style of dance;

BOUQUET – a group of flowers put together either to display or to carry;

BOUTIQUE – a small store that sells fashionable (and sometimes expensive) clothes and accessories;

CAFÉ – a small, simple restaurant or coffeeshop;

CHEF – a professional cook (who usually works in a restaurant);

DÉJÀ VU – already seen; the strange feeling that you have already experienced something that is happening now;

ENTRÉE – the main course/dish of a meal;

ENTREPRENEUR – a person who starts their own business;

FIANCÉ(E) – the person you are engaged to / committed to marry; fiancé – male, fiancée – female;

MENU – a list of things you can choose from, for example dishes at a restaurant, choices on a computer;

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!
Let's speak English!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Hello people!! How have you been?? Let's practice, study and share our English doubts and ideas about some WORDS WE MAY CONFUSE. Let's speak English!!!



This book is quite good. ( bad >>>>quite good>>>>good)

My bedroom is very quiet. ( = silent / no noise)



I usually lose my keys. ( you don't know where they are, you can't find them)

These pants are very loose. ( loose means they are not tight, they are too big)


Fell is from FALL - FELL - FALLEN


Yesterday I fell and broke my leg.

Felt is from FEEL - FELT - FELT


I felt ill last night, but I feel good today.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!
Let's speak English!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Hello people!! How are you doing?? Let's practice, study and share our English doubts and ideas about the MOTHER'S DAY!! Hereee weee gooooo!!

Mother's Day is a modern celebration honoring one's own mother , as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. Here in Brazil and in the USA it’s celebrated on the SECOND SUNDAY OF MAY!!
This day is very important to celebrate and take care of the most important person in our lives!! So enjoy this day with your mom and give her a great present to show that you’ll always love her!!

Wish you all a great Mother’s Day and specially to my mother Rosângela who is and who will always be my friend, my caring mom, my influence and a great part of my life!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!

 "Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love."
Stevie Wonder


Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hello people!! How have you been?? Let's practice, study and share our English doubts and ideas about the PRESENT CONTINUOUS!! Hereeee weee gooo!!!

The present continuous tense is formed from the present tense of the verb be (AM – IS – ARE) and the present participle (-ing form) of a verb ex:(COOK – COOKING);
 We use the present continuous tense to talk about the present:
for something that is happening at the moment of speaking, happening now:
They are dancing tango now.

Please be quiet. My son is sleeping.

for something which is happening before and after a given time:
At eight o’clock we are usually having breakfast.

When I get home the children are doing their homework.

 for something which we think is temporary:
Jack is at a soccer stadium. He is playing soccer.

I’m working in Paris for the next two weeks.

for something which is new and contrasts with a previous state:
These days most people are using email instead of writing letters.

What sort of clothes are teenagers wearing nowadays? What sort of music are they listening to?

to show that something is changing, growing or developing:
The children are growing up quickly.

The weather is changing rapidly.

Your English is improving.

for something which happens again and again:
Note: We normally use always with this use.
It’s always raining in London.

They are always arguing.

Bob is great. He’s always laughing.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!