Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Hello folks!! How have you been?? I hope you enjoy and practice!! Let’s speak English!!

Some Irregular Verbs

Present Form: BUY
Past Form: BOUGHT

Present Form: DRINK
Past Form: DRANK

Present Form: EAT
Past Form: ATE

Present Form: DRIVE
Past Form: DROVE

Present Form: SPEAK
Past Form: SPOKE

Present Form: SING
Past Form: SANG

Present Form: WRITE
Past Form: WROTE

Present Form: SLEEP
Past Form: SLEPT

Present Form: SWIM
Past Form: SWAM

Present Form: TEACH
Past Form: TAUGHT

Present Form: WIN
Past Form: WON

Present Form: FLY

Past Form: FLEW
Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!!
Let's speak and practice English!!

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